Sunday, August 25, 2013

Shoe Files: Every Shoe You Need for a Successful Back to School

Whether you're headed to class or out to a party, these shoes are definitely a necessity for a successful shoe year!

1. One of the great things about being on a campus is the gym! A cute pair of sneakers is definitely motivation to head to the athletic building. And these are so cute you can wear them to class too!


2. It's definitely an experience when you wake up to pouring down rain and realize you have to walk to class! But it is possible to look put together in a torrential downpour: just get yourself some rainboots!

3. Whether you're headed to a party or just to class, sometimes heels are the way to go! But you'll want something comfortable: you'll be doing lots of walking or standing in these shoes! Opt for something with a wedge heel or a platform. I've found these to be the most comfortable.

4. As summer turns into fall, you'll need a pair of boots to transition with the seasons! These cute booties work with both sundresses and jeans or leggings! 

Hope you like these back to school picks! I know these are my most important shoes for this time of year! What are yours? 

With love,

1 comment:

  1. So many awesome shoes! I absolutely LOVE the Nikes in the first image--I’ve never seen them before, and that color combination is super pretty!
